Thursday, July 4, 2024

Taylor Swift’s War on Royalties Continues

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Taylor Swift is known for her advocacy of musicians rights.  Starting with her battle for royalties for artists among streaming providers Apple and Spotify.  During the 3 month free trial, before Swift spoke up, artists would not see the royalties of their plays.  By 2015 Apple heard her cries for justice, listened, and reformed. Spotify too was able to convince her of their evolving financial planning and how they will always treat the artists, their suppliers, fairly.  Since the late teens of this century streaming has been on a consistent upward trajectory. CD sales are way down and iTunes is considering shutting down the store, the only two mediums thriving are vinyl and streams.  However, Ms. Swift is still not satisfied.

Reports came out today about Taylor going after an injustice long unfettered.  A platform in which music plays all day and the musicians of the world have no way to recoup a fair sum.  What is this abominable, lawless land in which free music is played at the will of the user? Why, the music in your head of course.

“For too long my music, the tunes that I put my blood, sweat, and tears into has been entertaining my fans and foes alike.  Song after song on repeat, in their heads for days at a time. I put a lot of care, ensuring these songs stay with their consumers for hours and days after listened to and I feel I deserve to be compensated for their brain space.”  A seemingly controversial stance quickly gained the notice of fellow pop stars who stand behind Taylor in her newest endeavor. And why wouldn’t they? Music Economist Alfred Baker estimates the charges for music in a given individuals’s head could be astronomical.  “I’ve always got some tune playing in the back of my head. Even when it is time to work and I shut the music off, there is usually some track bouncing around back there. What interests me is how this will all play out. Will there be a tier system? Music that is actually playing in your head that demands you to whistle or hum, those would cost the most.  Then songs that are simply stuck in dorsal wall of your mind that you want to get out, but cannot could warrant a smaller price”.  

Music labels were quick to read this article and call Baker and ask him just how much they could squeeze out of the music enjoying public.  The public, such as Ashleigh Putman, 6 year old who sings Swift’s smash hit “Shake it Off” from the moment she wakes up until naptime then again ‘til bedtime.  Her parents Sid and Nancy say “We would be ruined. That song is so expensive but it is her favorite. We would never ask her to stop singing it. Yes it is true we introduced her to some less expensive Robyn tracks, but they don’t seem to have the same lasting power.  The girl loves Taylor and if we have to sell our home for it, fine. Swift never had the intention of dismantling any family’s well being, she claims that this is for the one hit wonders who need the royalties from their catchy beat and contagious lyrics that they could never capture again.  If she has to take a few families houses along the way “so be it”. 

Swift and her team have developed a new piece of technology that would track all of its users thoughts, but pinky promising to isolate and only keep track of the music.  They are teaming up with Apple Music, Spotify, and Tidal begged to be a part of it also. In order to continue using the platforms you have to wear the tech, known as a “Hi Hat” forever.  CD collectors, your time has come, you are in luck. Since you own your music and are not reliant on any of these behemoths you can listen to music from your stereo to your head without fear or further payment.  Actually the White House just said they are proud to announce they will be taxing all songs played in any civilan’s head henceforth. It is the first ever bipartisan agreement reached in under a minute and the parties have never been so happy together.  

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So enjoy your Hi Hat, I’m on my way to the store now to get mine.  They’re making these special edition Lover ones for $499.99 and I want to make sure they don’t sell out.  Anyway, as usual, happy listening everyone!

Corinne B. Rae     

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