Thursday, July 4, 2024

Top 10 Ways to Eat a PB&J (You Won’t Believe #’s 10-2!)

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10. With chocolate milk.

9. With bread.

8. With music.

7. With a scientist.

6. With your mouth.

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5. With a friend.

4. With an acquaintance.

3. With anyone.

2. Please God, someone, anyone, please. I miss my family. I’ll be different I swear. I know I was wrong back then, but I’m a new person now. I have seen the error of my ways. I have been renewed. All I ask for is this second chance. Please send back the people I love and I will never take them for granted again. If you can forgive me why won’t they? I. was young, I didn’t know any better. I know I neglected them, I know I was miserable, I know I disrespected them, I know I wasted their time, I know I didn’t make use of the time I was lucky enough to have, I know I picked fights, I know I didn’t listen, I know I was selfish with our money, I know I know I know. I just need an opportunity to apologize to them. And they won’t even let me. It’s been so many years. Why won’t they just let me have that? It’s just like them you know, I try and try but they’ve already sculpted their lives without me and now I guess there is no more room. But there’s always room isn’t there? Well there could be if they bothered to look. I am desperate and they won’t even answer. Do they think they’re getting back at me? Do they think this will make them happy? Ignoring me is going to make them pretty sad one day, knowing they could have fixed this. At least I’m trying, they gave up. They gave up on me. I don’t know what to do anymore and I find their behavior to be ironic and hypocritical. It sickens me that they can do this, have fun without me. It must weigh on them and it doesn’t have to, just pick up the phone, answer the door, speak to me. Or don’t. I don’t care. I know I’m right, I suppose I just have to wait for them to realize it.

  1. Fake a peanut allergy and eat with the paramedic.
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Some Other Stuff That Could Tickle Your Fancy , Assuming Your Fancy Is Remotely Ticklish

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