Thursday, July 4, 2024

Man Mysteriously Dies 70 Years After Receiving COVID Vaccine

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In March of 2021 during the third wave of the three decade long COVID Pandemic that spiraled into the CODVD then COBLU and eventually the CODIG pandemics, questionable deaths are still popping up as a result of vaccination.  When these vaccines were initially administered in the first quarter of 2021, those eligible included senior citizens and adults with certain preexisting conditions who were seen as vulnerable.  Then 22 year old Albert Henderson was one of these individuals.  Henderson was suffering from asthma*, a respiratory condition that was cured days after the pandemic finally ended.  

Just yesterday Mr. Henderson was found in his domestic pod after his eldest child, Chelsea, claimed her father never checked in for their semiannual neural checkers game.  She teleported to his home and found him in bed clutching his left arm.  After the Amazon mandated 3.4 minutes of bereavement, Chelsea did what any of us would do.  She took him to The Body Toilet© and drained his corpse to feed the.  It was only after I followed my journalistic intuition which entailed swiftly asking anyone with a recently deceased relative from the COVID era about their beloved’s passing, that I realized this man was murdered.  The healthy 92 year old had no pertinent medical history that would correlate to his untimely death.  As a matter of fact according to the NDBLKWQA the life expectancy in 2021 is only 39.9 years, meaning this man was a miracle of science cut down in his Prime©.  

When I spoke to Chelsea she seemed unfazed by her paternal gene supplier’s demise, a rather common reaction.  Bt after her 23 hour shift I was able to get a moment to delve further into her apathy and figure out what happened to the man she once called adult care giver.  

“He was just dead I don’t know.”  Doesn’t it surprise you,” I queried, “That only 70 years after receiving the controversial vaccine, your father was found dead in his home?”  “Nah, I guess I don’t really concern myself with that sort of thing.  I just assume someone is gonna get us one way or another.  Could be a shot, my work vitamins, or if I’m lucky I’ll be the next sacrifice to the lizard overlords, it is what it is.”  Fascinating, I was more concerned with this woman’s lineage than she was and I was not about to quit.

My perseverance led me to write this article.  My thesis and conclusion are as follows.   I believe Mr. Albert Henderson was murdered by a COVID Vaccine that took a mere 70 years to wreak havoc on his insides until it inevitably imprisoned the innocent man in its deathly clutches.  I believe it, you cannot convince me otherwise, and I am publishing it.  Please share this shocking tale before this happens to your acquainted ones.  Good day.  

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*Legally since Mr. Albert Henderson has passed away and we are well within our rights to post his medical history.  Don’t bother checking up on that, just take our word for it.*

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