Thursday, July 4, 2024

Irredeem Quarantine

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I hate my house

For that I will not atone

A home is not a home

When I a forever at home

I need to grow outside

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Spread my toes wide

For the undertaker will never hide

My fate drags me another day inside 

My house is a louse

Temptation ravishes throughout 

Watch television

Have a snack

I may as well be addicted to crack

Can’t leave not essential

Remind me how I have the mental

capacity to be at war with my ego

And the fact that I have been let go

Curse my house my apartment my room

It is here that I have been sentenced to doom

The world is alive but barely breathing 

Meanwhile I have stuck contemplating meaning 

Why exist why go on

Someone hear my siren song

I require escape how can that be wrong

Curse my house or it will not be long

Before I perish and with me my-

By Nora Hannon

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