Thursday, July 4, 2024

Eye Rolls For God

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Vat you must understand about ze relationship vith God and man is zat even if one does not believe in ze Almighty, they must respect his effect on evolution.  Yes, vat vas vonce considered to be two completely separate and varring concepts are actually tandem cohabitants. God creates the vorld, the vorld adapts to itself and circumstances as it goes on.  Zink about it zis way. If you vere a creator of a vast universe with millions of planets and zillions of living beings to populate ze solar systems, do you zink you would have ze time to ook after, tend to, and cultivate your plantations?  Of course not. However, vat you vould do is give zese creatures ze ability to fend for zemselves on an evolutionary basis. Not everyone survives, but the species is taken care of by time. God may make a bird zat can fly higher zan ze rest, but ze sun he created vill burn zat aviary alive.  Zis is why God also built a bird that knows better, flies lower; hence the expression bird brain. 

My favorite example of ze God/Evolution Theorem is a relatively modern one.  Man has carried with him some of his caveman ways into the modern world. Such as ze eyebrow raise when startled.  Zis is not because anyone told us how to be surprised ven we were kinders, no, ze real reason is because it videns our gaze and allows us to see more clearly what has excited us in case it could be zreatening.  On to my main point. Have you ever been in a conversation vith someone who is boring ze pants off of your legs? I sure have. Have you ever been so bored in one of zese conversations zat you begin exhibit involuntary social cues, such as an eye roll?  If zo, zis is not your fault. And I am sure ze person eating your ear off did not realize, he is too busy vith his own jibbers and jabbers. Ze meaning behind zis behavior goes back hundreds of millenia ven early man was first showing signs of socialization.  

At zis time in human evolution, ve have no record of zere being an idea of a god figure, however I do believe I have pinpointed ze exact moment in vich a diety vas first constructed by ze mind of a human.  Zere was Ook and Buk, two “friends” who vreally only had each other to talk to. They would discuss girls and fire over dirt smoozies and just vaste time. Ook vas much smarter zan Buk having 10 brain zells to Buk’s 9.  Ook vas easily bored, but had no one else to turn to. His sister had juzt passed avay from discovering fire was really hot and his new vife was not yet born. Vere else could ook look, but up? In zis moment, out from ze boredom and angst of a conversation about Buk’s yearning to be a gazherer in favor of a hunter, Ook invented ze God concept.  While Buk droned on Ook would roll his eyes to ze sky and hope zat whoever was up zhere would strike a lightning bolt through his friend, zen curve his eyes back down to ze conversation.  

So, next time you are in ze midst of a conversation vith a social terrorist and want to roll your eyes, zink of poor Ook who vas so bored he had to invent religion just to get him away from talking to Buk.  

Mao Ping       

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