Thursday, July 4, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: Nora Hannon’s House Fires Back!

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Link to Nora Hannon’s Original Poem:

Before I begin I would like to thank Jargon for allowing me to speak out against my resident.  This is not a matter that I take lightly and I find it troubling to besmirch those whom are close to me, even though others may go about it so carelessly.  

I believed my provisions were widely noted and highly regarded.  Nothing I do is for the praise, but I always believed there was an understanding.  For the past few months I have repeatedly heard the same sentiment over an over again and not just from my tenant, but from others just like her all over the place.  This growing resentment towards me and my kind; a disapproval, a weariness, a repulsion.  It is extremely offensive and frankly I can’t figure out what I did to deserve it.  I can recognize that while we are married we didn’t expect to spend every sleeping AND waking moment together, but grand schematically you haven’t been here that long.  I find it embarrassing to be put into a position in which I have to list all of my contributions, but alas I have no other choice.  I shelter, that’s obvious, I keep all of your belongings, I keep you warm, cool, whichever you prefer at a moments notice.  I give you the tools to cook, I let you dress me up however you want.  I offer structure, a place to wind down, a venue for entertainment.  I think I’ve said enough.  Yet you continue to berate me on social media and to my face when you think I’m not listening.  Silly me for thinking we were actually friends.  “I need to get out of this house!  I am so sick of being stuck inside!  This house is too small!  I can’t breathe in here!  I’m going stir crazy!”  Let me remind you that you chose me!  Yes I used to think it was destiny that brought us together.  The delightful welding of person and property, happily aboding together for years until it is time to move on.  I mean that’s how it used to be.  Sure we would have out squabbles when one of my doorhinges would slide out of place, or I left a few leak stains by accident, but we always managed and got through them together. Now all I hear every single day is how much you hate me while I continue on as my regular everyday self.  All I want is a ceasefire.  Please take into account all of my good qualities and stop holding me accountable for existing.  I still love you and I know you feel the same way, but you don’t get to incessantly bully me simply because I can take it.  Personally I’m looking forward to the remainder of our time together, but I know you aren’t built that way and it’s fine.  I’m not trying to guilt you into infatuation.  I just want you to reconsider your lash outs, redirect your anger and make constructive remedies.  I still love you Nora, let’s rekindle what we used to have.

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