Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Elderly Mother Makes Grave Mistake When She Assumes TV-MA is Meant for Mothers

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Kathy Dougherty was just like any of you, unless you are men, then she was just like any of your mothers, unless they were bad mothers.  Kathy Dougherty was a good woman.  For decades she worked a steady job at the construction paper site until retirement.  She always cooked ample meals for her family and delectable desserts for her neighbors.  Kathy volunteered her free time to the homeless shelter for squirrels and even developed the best recipe for acorn soup at their soup kitchen.  Kathy was exactly the type of person you would want in your life and a simple mistake was the cause of her death.

After a long night of ladling out soup to a pack of nomadic squirrels in a neighborhood where dozens of trees were removed for the purpose of constructing telephone poles that look like trees, Kathy was ready to go home and wind down.  Kathy Dougherty was a reader above all else.   She loved the classic novels and when she finished them she would reread all that the canon had to offer.  However, every so often she would find comfort in front of a television.  “A perfectly fine way to spend time is to be entertained.”  Kathy would say.  Kathy went flipping through the nominal amounts of channels she was provided when she landed on a commercial that appealed to her.  It was for a pillow with a pocket in the back for storing pajamas.  Kathy was floored and immediately decided everyone in her family needed the Pajama Pocket Pillow.  She grabbed a pen and paper to copy down the toll-free number and couldn’t wait until the next morning to call.  All of the excitement had wiped her out and Kathy reached for the remote to shut the television set, when a strange symbol emerged at the top left corner of her screen.  It read ‘“TV MA”.  “TV MA” she read aloud.  Her kids had called her ma her entire life.  Kathy had been so motherly that even some of the neighbor kids from when her children were growing up would call her the same.  

“TV MA” Kathy repeated to herself.  As a novice in the arts of television Kathy did not have much experience to draw from.  Although, she was no dummy.  Kathy always listened when people spoke to her and she recalled conversations she had with friends about their favorite programs.  Some of these friends had informed her about stations directed exclusively towards women.  “This must be a station directed at mothers and grandmothers” Kathy 

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Some Other Stuff That Could Tickle Your Fancy , Assuming Your Fancy Is Remotely Ticklish

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