Tuesday, July 2, 2024

About Jargon

Welcome to Jargon, the only website with this specific url.  If you are here you may have crash landed, been directed from one of our social media accounts or maybe even a person.  Either way we are happy to have you because our entire staff is comprised of starving artists that live for clicks, but here’s the kicker, they have some integrity.  The idea of Jargon is for people to post whatever they want, some of it may be ridiculous jokes, other parts may be reprehensible opinions, a satirical news article, or a legitimate review of a film.  Then the rest would probably fall somewhere between that.  We wanted to develop a place where people could say whatever they wanted and we’ll see how that goes.  Some of it’s fact, some of it’s fiction and if you get it, then that’s jargon.  Thanks for coming, I’d offer you something to eat, but

Meet The Team

As I mentioned Jargon is made up of a growing and sometimes shrinking staff.  We have an office, but I’m thinking about getting rid of it since it’s mostly just me in there.  A lot of our people send their contributions via the web, but I make sure we have a rapport by holding staff meetings through group video chats.  That way everyone can still get to know each other and it can feel like a 21st century office.  It is weird to say that though, 21st century as in futuristic.  Because it’s still a really new thing, so it’s not really indicative of the century thus far, really only like 25% of it maybe.  Anyway, here are some of our frequent writers.

A classical journalist from London long retired.  I am from an era where writers had to seek out stories not simply open their Twitter feed to find them.  The sate of modern day journalism saddens me which is why when approached by the founder of Jargon I had to oblige and pick up the pen once more.  That is not simply an expression I hand write all of my articles and send them in to have them digitally transcribed.  Music is my forte, I have followed countless acts in my many decades writing for an array of magazines, newspapers, and periodicals.  I named The Beatles, added the Rolling to the Stones, and introduced the Boys to the Beach.  I am a staple in the history of music and aim to do some of my best work for this promising publication.  

I am a very bizy man and I have little time to be vriting biographies about myself.  My work is my life and my legacy, details of my idiosyncrasies are irrelevant to my studies, but for ze founder, I vill do zis.  My name is Mao Ping, an anthropological scientist if I had to choose but one study, zo my interests know no bounds.  I study everysing from people to potted plants, zeir environments, zeir reactions to change, and zeir family trees or as the plants call it, family humanz.  Hey do not of course, humor is another one of my areas of study.  Currently I am vorking on how paving ze streets vith kitty litter could save the deforestation problems in Brazil.  Zere, just a taste, please leave me now, many test tubes and beakers to rinse.   

Chrissy McKinsey

Hi everyone!  I’m Chrissy and I am a writer!  I believe as a writer it is 100% percent my responsibility to tell you guys that is going on in the world and everything that is important!  Especially what is important to me!  I am super into women’s rights and fashion and sports and video games too!  I can basically do it all, if I were a mom I’d be a super mom!  But then again I guess I am a mom, a DOG mom that is! HAHA, anyway I am very grateful for the job Mr. Founder gave me and I hope to make him proud and give you guys some superrrbb content!  Excited to hang, ttyl!