Sunday, July 7, 2024

Review of Toy Story 9

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Toy Story 9 is a good film. I know every other critic in the galaxy gave it astonishing praise, but I have reason to believe they have ulterior motives and that’s all I’d like to say on that.

I thought it was good. Nothing compared to the heights that 7 was able to reach, but far better than the abominable drift from quality 5 was. How they thought people would want to see Jessie’s rise to Instagram Influencer fame is beyond me. Then of course Andy’s funeral in 8. But, this is about TS9.

Opening the film on Buzz’s 70th birthday party tested me. It was nice to see them acknowledging their perpetual presence and how long they’ve been on the screen, but it was gutsy. Being made of plastic, the effects of aging some of us have come to know fail to impact his physical fitness, but the cut to Buzz after he blows out his candles and all of his friends are cheering showed a Lightyear at war with himself. On the one lobe he is so thrilled and fortunate to be surrounded by loved ones while he could have just been another box at Al’s. On the other, he has lived so many lifetimes. He has been through so many families, so many moves, and he is still the same old Buzz. He was meant to be a space ranger. Woody is fine, he could do this forever, he was meant to be a toy, but Buzz longs, for what, he does not know.

The movie really goes on to make many powerful statements about age, wisdom, and contentment. Buzz goes on a solo adventure hoping for an epiphany, but upon his return his fears are realized and he still feels the same. Buzz can only derive that the only thing missing from his life, is death. In his travels he realizes life’s natural conclusion is necessary. In order to have a life well lived, it needs to finish. His plastic shell refuses to let him wither and because of this he strips naked and walks into the fire place. The chimney transports his ashes into the sky where he can finally be at home as an eternal space ranger.

A powerful film, but Woody’s side story where he put on a sequel to the stage play he wrote directed and starred in in the 4th TS Christmas special was trite.

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I give it 7 Quartocks.

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