Sunday, July 7, 2024

Mao Ping

I am a vey bizy man and I have little time to be vriting biographies about myself.  My work is my life and my legacy, details of my idiosyncrasies are irrelevant to my studies, but for ze founder, I vill do zis.  My name is Mao Ping, an anthropological scientist if I had to choose but one study, zo my interests know no bounds.  I study everysing from people to potted plants, zeir environments, zeir reactions to change, and zeir family trees or as the plants call it, family humanz.  Hey do not of course, humor is another one of my areas of study.  Currently I am vorking on how paving ze streets vith kitty litter could save the deforestation problems in Brazil.  Zere, just a taste, please leave me now, many test tubes and beakers to rinse.   

Articles by Mao Ping

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