Tuesday, July 2, 2024
The concept is insane. A viciously fictitious tale about a human being who I imagine to have an already interesting life. As a lover...
Kathy Dougherty was just like any of you, unless you are men, then she was just like any of your mothers, unless they were...
The Center for Disease Control has released yet another set of guidelines for civilians which are not applicable to them and their superiors.  This...
“It’s a tough world for Blake Lively”, a writer once wrote infacetiously.  The television and film star has reached great professional success beginning with...
Rapper DaBaby has turned the heat up on the pot of boiling water he dove into after comments he made about certain gays while...
The Former Mrs. Kim Kardashian West has gone once again to the highest authority in the land to release an unconstitutionally imprisoned entity.  You’ll...
First president of these United States and leftmost head on that mountain in Rushmore has fulfilled the prophecy made for him by patriots and...
The Populated City Teamsters have been forced to delay their game today due to the gallons of saliva that has turned their stadium into...
An addled and agitated New Yorker is seeking legal restitution for succumbing to false representation for decades.  Blink Missett has been a loyal subscriber...
Local idiot and invisiblist John Cena bas recently come under fire as a spineless, cowardly, submissive, sell out after his video to China, deeply...

Word of the Whenever

Vicissitude (noun)

a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant. The fortune and fame that came with the winning of the International...

Kotek’s Korner #1

Why we always kitty cat around? If someone stink you must tell them they have stink. It likely they do not know and you...

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Honestly Just Scattered Stuff, But Not Necessarily From the Stuff Category